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Home > Account Deactivation > Graduate - Account Deactivation Information
Graduate - Account Deactivation Information
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Graduate - Account Deactivation Information

It is important to make sure you perform some vital technological tasks to preserve your data at this time.  Please take the time to carefully read each of the sections below. If any questions or concerns arise while reviewing this document, please contact the ITS HelpDesk for assistance.


Account Deactivation

You can continue to use your W&J email address and resources until it is deactivated.  Once your account is deactivated, you will completely lose access to all W&J resources including SakaiOutlookOffice 365OneDrive and your H-Drive. For this reason, it is important now to take the steps to preserve any data you would like to keep.


Your Email Account 

If you haven't already, be sure to create a professional email account to use. You'll want to use this email for any communications with potential employers or post-graduate opportunities in order to maintain a consistent line of communication. There are a wide variety of websites that offer free email accounts such as Google, Yahoo!, and


Preserving Email Data

Once your professional email is created, you can export emails to it from your W&J account in order to preserve them beyond your account's expiration date. There are two methods you can use to accomplish this.

1) Individually Forward Messages
If you would only like to preserve a small number of messages, you can simply forward them to your new address. Once forwarded, you can organize the messages within your new inbox however you see fit. You can also select several emails at once to forward multiple messages as a single combined message. 
Check out this article for more information on this process.

2) Export and Import Your Entire Inbox Using Outlook and PST files
If you'd like a copy of all the emails that you have sent and received during your time at W&J, you can accomplish this by linking both your W&J and professional account to the Outlook desktop app. Once both accounts are connected, you can export all the data within your W&J inbox to a PST file, and then import that file to your professional account. The complete steps for using this method can be 
found at this link.


Preserving Email Contacts

You can save your contacts by using the Export Contacts feature in Outlook. This saves your address book to a CSV or other file type which can then be imported elsewhere. Please review this document for instructions.


Make Sure There Are No Accounts Linked to Your W&J Email!

If you created any accounts using your W&J Email (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, TikTok, Snapchat, Amazon, etc.), you will want to change those to list your professional or a personal email address as soon as possible. Any accounts that do not receive this change, will be lost and unrecoverable via any password reset or email recovery options. Following the deactivation date, there will be nothing we can do to assist with any accounts tied to your W&J email. Again, please make sure you update this information as soon as possible.


Office 365 Software

When your W&J account is deactivated, any software licensed to your account will no longer work. This includes all the programs in the Office 365 suite of products (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, OneDrive). Any Office 365 software that is installed at the time of deactivation, will run as "Unlicensed" and restrict you from using nearly any of its features. These apps will still allow you to open and view documents, but edit and save functionalities will not work. You'll need to purchase a personal license from Office 365 to continue using them.


Saving OneDrive Documents

Any documents within your OneDrive account when it is deactivated will be permanently deleted. If there are any documents or files within the account that you'd like to keep, you'll want to download them to your hard drive using the instructions found at this link.  Depending on the size of the data you'd like to download, this can take some time to complete, so be sure to give yourself enough time to do this prior to your account deactivation date. Once you've downloaded the files, you can leave them on your hard drive or upload them to a free cloud file storage service such as DropBox or Google Drive.


Saving H-Drive Documents

Your H-Drive may contain documents or files that you want to preserve as well. The H-Drive is only accessible when using a W&J computer on campus. If you wish to back up H-Drive data, you must do so while you are still on campus. 

Any documents stored within your H-Drive will also be lost when your account is deactivated. 


Thank you for being a part of the W&J family!

The ITS HelpDesk is available to assist you with any part of your technological transformation.  Feel free to give us a call at 724-223-6022or submit a ticket at

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