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Home > Crestron AirMedia > (Windows and Mac) Connecting and Using a Laptop on AirMedia
(Windows and Mac) Connecting and Using a Laptop on AirMedia
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Connecting and Using a Laptop on AirMedia (Windows and Mac)


To use Crestron AirMedia on a laptop follow the below steps


1.Open your Internet Browser and enter the IP displayed on the TV.

2. Download and install the free Crestron AirMedia Program.

3. Once the download finishes install the downloaded Program.

5. Now that the AirMedia Program is installed you can open the Program.

4. Follow the on Screen Instructions and enter the Temporary Code on the TV.

5. If on a Mac, Ensure Screen Sharing is on as Prompted in the On-Screen Instructions.

6. Now you will have your laptop screen on the TV.

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