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Home > 25 Live > Set Up Your Favorites
Set Up Your Favorites
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In the dashboard, in Quick Search, click in the Search Locations box.

Type in part of the name of a location and press the Enter key or click the magnifying glass.

Example:  Olin

If the Calendar or Availability list is showing, click the List button.

Scroll down through the list and click on the star for each location that you want added to your favorites.

Example:      OLN*106

Repeat for all of your favorite locations.




In the dashboard, in Quick Search, click in the Search Organizations box.

Type in part of the name of an organization and press the Enter key or click the magnifying glass.

Example:  Art

If the Calendar or Availability list is showing, click the List button.

Scroll down through the list and click on the star for each organization that you want added to your favorites.

Example:      Art Department

Repeat for all of your favorite organizations.



In the dashboard, in Quick Search, click in the Search Resources box

Type in part of the name of a resource and press the Enter key or click the magnifying glass.

Example:  Chair

If the Calendar or Availability list is showing, click the List button.

Scroll down through the list and click on the star for each resource that you want added to your favorites.

Example:      Fs Chairs, White Folding

Repeat for all of your favorite resources.

Click the 25Live Pro link at the top of the page to return to the main menu page.


Anywhere you see the  star, you can mark that item as a favorite.  


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