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Home > Microsoft 365 > OneDrive > Office 365 - Share Files and Folders with OneDrive
Office 365 - Share Files and Folders with OneDrive
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When you use Office 365 for business and save your files to OneDrive, sharing your files is the same wherever or however you work.

Share a file or folder

  1. When working in OneDrive, right-click a document or folder and click Share to changes it's permissions and collaborate with other users.

  2. Click the box at the top of the window that appears to choose permissions for the link you will be sharing. Options include:

    • Anyone

    • People in Washington & Jefferson College

    • People with Existing Access

    • Specific people

  3. Restrict editing, set an expiration date, or a set a password on the document if desired. Click Apply to save the permissions.

  4. Enter the name or email address of people you want to share with.

  5. Add a Message if you'd like.

  6. Click Send
    Or, you can select Copy Link and send the link in an email or add it to a file.


For additional articles and video instruction in using OneDrive, visit this training page.

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