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Home > Instructional and Online Learning Technologies > Zoom > Zoom - Recommended course Meeting security options
Zoom - Recommended course Meeting security options
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In order to promote privacy, safety, and security within Zoom Meetings, the following Security options should be enabled for all Zoom Meetings by instructors when scheduling these Meetings.


Faculty, students, and staff should only use Zoom accounts associated with their W&J email addresses.


Recommended Meeting security options


  • Meeting ID: Choose Generate Automatically instead of using your Personal Meeting ID for course Meetings.
  • Security: Enable the Waiting Room feature. The Passcode feature is enabled for all Zoom Meetings at W&J.
    • Post the Passcode to your Sakai Course Site. Faculty and students should not post or share Meeting Passcodes on public websites.
    • Do not allow students whose names do not appear on your official course roster, from Webadvisor, into the Meeting for any reason.
    • Set the expectation that students must log into their Zoom accounts before joining your meeting and will not be admitted as guests.
  • Advanced Options: Disable Enable join before host. Enable Only authenticated users can join >> Only Washington & Jefferson College.
    • If you anticipate having Meeting guests external to the College, you will need to enable Only authenticated users can join >> Sign in to Zoom to grant users without W&J email addresses access to these Meetings.



In-meeting security options

If you experience disruptive behavior or encounter unexpected guests in a Zoom meeting, you may lock your meeting, remove the unexpected guest or guests, and report users to Zoom.


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