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Home > Instructional and Online Learning Technologies > Zoom > Zoom - Using Zoom for videoconferencing
Zoom - Using Zoom for videoconferencing
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Faculty, staff, and students have access to Basic Zoom licenses for online collaboration, chat, and videoconferencing. Please be aware of any technical, environmental, or legal restrictions when choosing a video-conferencing tool.


Accessing and signing in to Zoom


If you had previously used a W&J email address to access Zoom, you will need to either consolidate your account to our service, when prompted, or change the email address associated with your account.


Please note that meetings hosted by users with Basic licenses will be limited to 40 minutes. Faculty members and administrative offices who regularly host meetings longer than 40 minutes should request an Education license.

  • More information about Zoom licenses can be found here.


Additionally, the Zoom app can be enabled for use in each Sakai Course Site by the course instructor.


Creating or scheduling an online meeting with videoconferencing

Online class or group meetings with videoconferencing capabilities can be scheduled in advance or engaged through the Zoom app at any time. Scheduled meetings can be synchronized with and accessed from your Microsoft Outlook calendar or other calendar applications.

  • Instructions for scheduling a meeting can be found here.
  • Instructions for joining or starting an instant meeting can be found here.
  • Recommended Zoom course meeting security options can be found here.


Recording meetings

Meetings can be recorded and stored for future access.

  • Instructions for recording meetings in Zoom can be found here.


Preparing for videoconferencing
A guide to video-conferencing best practices can be found here.

  1. Meetings can be joined through a preferred internet browser.
  2. Please ensure that all invited or anticipated meeting participants have access to tested and functioning videoconferencing hardware, including a webcam, speakers, and microphone.
  3. Headsets are recommended for video conferencing.
  4. Wired internet connections are preferred over wireless internet connections when possible.
  5. Participants should be advised to choose a quiet place with few environmental noises or distractions.
  6. Microphones should be muted when not in use to reduce session interference.


Additional Resources

Zoom publishes and hosts the following training resources and opportunities:


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