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Home > Instructional and Online Learning Technologies > Zoom > Zoom - Acquiring a Zoom full Education license for College Faculty
Zoom - Acquiring a Zoom full Education license for College Faculty
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ITS currently supports Microsoft Teams for videoconferencing for faculty, students, and staff, but has access to a limited number of full Zoom Education licenses, which can be requested for short-term use in instances where Teams cannot meet academic or professional needs. By default, Zoom Basic licenses are granted to all campus faculty, staff, and students who log into Zoom with a College email address. Please note that Basic Zoom licenses restrict meetings to 40-minute durations. Requests for Education licenses, by College faculty and staff, can be submitted through

  • More information about Microsoft Teams for videoconferencing can be found here.


What if I already have created a Zoom account using my College email address?

Our licensing agreement with Zoom now requires that all email addresses are hosted within our domain account. You may consolidate your preexisting account with our College's service, when prompted, or change the email address associated with your preexisting account.

  • Instructions for consolidating your preexisting account with our College's services can be found here.
  • Instructions for changing your Zoom account email address can be found here.


If I already paid for a Zoom account license, what happens to my balance?
Paid Zoom users will be prompted to refund their personally paid account balance. More information can be found here. Please note that personal account refunds are processed through Zoom and not administered through ITS.


I already created meetings within my Zoom account. If I consolidate my account, will these be preserved?
Yes. Consolidating your Zoom account will not impact meetings that you already created.


What is the right account license type for me?

Choosing your account license type depends on your intended use of Zoom. If you intend to teach over Zoom, then the Education license is right for you. If you intend to use Zoom to participate in meetings that others have created, do not need to record your meetings to the cloud service, or intend to host meetings shorter than 40 minutes, then the Basic license may meet your needs.


I prefer to use Microsoft Teams (Meetings). Is this service replacing Teams?

No. The College has added Zoom to our available resources to better support instruction and videoconference interests. We will continue to provide access to and support for Microsoft Teams (Meetings), which may be used for College instruction.

How can I learn more about Zoom or find training resources?

More information about using Zoom, including instructions and training resources, can be found here.

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