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Home > Instructional and Online Learning Technologies > Recording, storing, and sharing videos
Recording, storing, and sharing videos
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ITS provides several resources which allow faculty, students and staff to create and share video resources, including asynchronous lectures, presentations, and interviews. The following steps explain available software tools for recording videos, and recommended steps for storing and sharing video files with students, faculty, and staff. Email Samantha Martin, [email protected], if you want to discuss the best options for your needs.


Step 1: Choosing software and recording your video

Prior to recording videos, all subjects should be advised to choose a well-lit and quiet place with few environmental noises or distractions. Ensure that all video and audio recording hardware is high quality and tested and full functional prior to recording and production.


The software you and your students choose to use to record and create video files may depend on the hardware and operating systems you regularly use. Please be aware, when designing assignments for students which require video production, that they may be using different tools than you are accustomed to using, e.g., a student may choose to record a video on an iPhone, but you prefer to record videos on a Windows-based PC with an attached webcam. Below is a list of some of the tools available to faculty and students at W&J, with links to recording instructions for several of these tools:


For video, with no slides or shared content:

  • In Windows, the Camera app can be used to record videos using an attached or integrated webcam or video-recording device. Instructions can be found here.

  • On Mac OS, the Photo Booth app or QuickTime Player can be used to record videos using an attached or integrated webcam or video-recording device. Instructions for using Photo Booth can be found here. Instructions for using QuickTime Player can be found here.

  • Smartphone devices have free video-recording tools and apps available for both iPhone and Android-based models.

For video, with slides or shared content:

  • Information on recording and sharing meetings conducted through Microsoft Teams can be found here.
  • Information on recording and sharing meetings conducted through Zoom can be found here.
    • The college has a limited number of Zoom licenses. If you wish to use Zoom, you must request access from the Academic Affairs office.

For slideshow with audio, no video:

  • Slide-based presentations and lectures can be recorded, with timed voice narrations, within Microsoft PowerPoint, licensed to all campus students and employees. Instructions can be found here. Please note that slideshows recorded through PowerPoint do not include video of the recording actor.


Step 2: Storing videos and other large files

Because video files may be large, please be aware of device and system limits when creating, storing, and sharing videos. ITS recommends use of Microsoft Stream for video file storage.

  • In Microsoft Stream, users may upload videos and share them with other College community members, including students, faculty, and staff. 
    • To create a new video on the Stream web platform, follow these directions, Create a New Video Recording.
    • To upload a video to the Stream web platform, navigate to and then click the upload button. 


Not recommended:

  • In Sakai, each Course Site and Project Site have a 1GB maximum storage capacity for all files and data. Instructions for uploading Resource Tool files to Sakai can be found here.
  • In Microsoft OneDrive, each user is provided with 1TB of storage. Instructions for uploading files to OneDrive can be found here. Instructions for sharing files using OneDrive can be found here.
  • The Home Drives provided to students each have 5GB of storage. Home Drives are not accessible from off-campus network locations.
  • Email attachments sent through W&J's email system can be no larger than 25MB. This restriction does not apply to OneDrive file attachments.


Step 3: Sharing videos and other large files

Links to video files uploaded to Microsoft Stream can be shared through e-mail, Microsoft Teams, Sakai Course Sites, and anywhere else that a link can be copy+pasted.

  • Instructions for sharing a Microsoft Stream video file, including how to find the link, can be found here.
  • When creating assignments that require video submissions, be sure to include the following or similar instructions: "Please upload the assigned video to Microsoft Stream and submit the link to your video for this assignment. Do not email, upload, or send the file itself. For College technical support, including questions regarding Microsoft Stream, students are encouraged to contact the ITS Help Desk."
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