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Home > Instructional and Online Learning Technologies > Zoom > Zoom - Recording and sharing a Zoom meeting
Zoom - Recording and sharing a Zoom meeting
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Recording a Meeting in Zoom

Meetings, including live courses, can be recorded through Zoom.

  • Instructions for how to begin and stop a local recording, which will be saved to your computer or device, can be found here.
  • Instructions for how to begin and stop a cloud recording can be found here.


Accessing your Zoom meeting recording


Sharing a link to a Zoom or Microsoft Stream recording through Sakai

Because of their large size, video files should not be directly uploaded to Sakai. Links to video files stored on Zoom or Microsoft Stream can be copied and pasted into Sakai.


  • For Zoom local recordings, uploaded to Microsoft Stream:
  1. Log into Microsoft Stream.
  2. Identify the video file which you wish to share and copy its link. Ensure that video file privacy settings are properly adjusted. More information can be found here.

  3. Add the link through the Resources Tool in a desired Sakai Site. Instructions for adding web links to Sakai can be found here. Links can be pasted to additional locations throughout your Sakai Course Site, as desired.


  • For Zoom cloud recordings:

  1. Log into Zoom.

  2. Identify the video file which you wish to share and copy its link. Ensure that video file privacy settings are properly adjusted. More information, and instructions for accessing recordings, can be found here.

  3. Add the link through the Resources Tool in a desired Sakai Site. Instructions for adding web links to Sakai can be found here. Links can be pasted to additional locations throughout your Sakai Course Site, as desired.

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