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Home > Instructional and Online Learning Technologies > Sakai > Sakai - Creating a new Project Site
Sakai - Creating a new Project Site
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Within Sakai, there are two types of Sites: Course Sites and Project Sites. Course Sites can only be created by ITS; these Sites are created through an automated process prior to the start of each academic term and are used for official College courses. College faculty and staff can create new Project Sites within Sakai at any time. These Sites can be used for committee work, student organizations, and project-related collaboration, among other things. 


Students who wish to have Project Sites created for campus clubs or organizations can request that a faculty or staff member to create one on their behalf or submit a help ticket requesting a project site . It is highly recommended that a faculty or staff member be added to the site so that someone will always have access even as student membership in the club or organization changes.


Creating a new Project Site



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