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Home > Instructional and Online Learning Technologies > Sakai > Sakai - Adding a Reserves Librarian to a Sakai Course Site
Sakai - Adding a Reserves Librarian to a Sakai Course Site
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Faculty who wish to have digital course reserve items added to their Sakai Course Sites may grant restricted role-level access to dedicated Library staff members to these Sites. Individuals granted Reserves Librarian access will not be able to add, remove, or edit any materials other than where you have uniquely designated them to be able to do so. Reserves Librarians will add requested materials to designated locations in your Sakai Course Site and remove them at the conclusion of the term, per licensing and copyright agreements. Both steps 1 and 2 must completed for each Course Site in which you wish to grant this special access.


For questions about the course reserves process, please contact the Library staff.

For technical support, including questions about the steps below, please contact the ITS Help Desk.



Step 1: Adding a Reserves Librarian to your Course Site

First, designated Library staff members Carla Valentine Myers ([email protected]) and Rachael Bolden ([email protected]) must be added to your Course Site. Please consult with the Library staff with questions or to verify this information.

  1. Log into Sakai.
  2. Navigate to the Course Site for which you have requested course reserve items.
  3. Click on Site Info, on the left navigation bar within the Course Site.
  4. Click on Add Participants, on the menu in the center of your window.
  5. In the Official Email Address or Username field, type or copy+paste the full email addresses [email protected] and [email protected] on separate lines within the field. Then, click Continue.
  6. Under Role, select Reserves Librarian, and click Continue.
  7. Under An email can be automatically sent to the added users notifying them of the site's availability, select Send Now. Then, click Continue.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. For more information about adding users to Sakai Sites, click here.


Step 2: Granting Reserves Librarians access to the Resources Tool

Next, you must grant the Reserves Librarian role access to the Resources Resources Tool in your Sakai Course Site. The following steps provide Course Reserves Librarians access to all folders and sub-folders contained within this Course Site's Resources Tool. You may change or edit permissions here, or within individual folders, at any time.

  1. Within your Sakai Course Site, click on the Resources Tool, on the left navigation bar within the Course Site.
  2. Click Permissions.

   3. Click to add a checkmark in every box under the header Reserves LibrarianThen, click Save.

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