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Home > Instructional and Online Learning Technologies > Sakai > Sakai - Organizing course materials using the Resources Tool
Sakai - Organizing course materials using the Resources Tool
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The Resources Tool can be used to organize course materials to be distributed to students.

  • For more information about the Sakai Resources Tool, visit this section of the Sakai User Guide.


As a best practice, plan all folder structures, including sub-folders, and course progression in advance of uploading materials to the Resources Tool.

  • For instructions on creating folders within the Resources Tool, click here.


The following folder structure models may help you plan your courses.


In a sequential model, folders are created for each week, class date, or other time-ordered model. As a best practice, create a location titled "Start Here," so that students know clearly where to begin your course. Include indications of dates where appropriate. You may also modify individual folders to that they are not accessible until pre-determined dates.


In a thematic model, folders are created to align with course content themes or topics.  As a best practice, create a location titled "Start Here," so that students know clearly where to begin your course. Include indications of dates where appropriate. You may also modify individual folders so that they are not accessible until pre-determined dates.


In a projectized model, folders are created to align with course projects, tasks, or activities. As a best practice, create a location titled "Start Here," so that students know clearly where to begin your course. Include indications of dates where appropriate. You may also modify individual folders so that they are not accessible until pre-determined dates.

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