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Home > Instructional and Online Learning Technologies > Classroom Technologies > VZ-R document camera for JayFlex instruction
VZ-R document camera for JayFlex instruction
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The VZ-R document camera is a lightweight, multi-function document camera which can be used for JayFlex instruction.


What does this device do?

This device is intended to be used to take the place of whiteboard and blackboard writing when videoconferencing through JayFlex modes of instruction. Because webcam devices may not capture writing from far away, this tool is ideal for solving live calculations by hand and displaying textbook and other written materials.


The classroom in which I teach has another document camera installed. Can I use that document camera for JayFlex instruction?

Many of the document cameras in learning spaces are directly connected to projectors or other in-room display hardware and cannot be used for videoconferencing. To use a document camera for videoconferencing, the device must be connected directly to the computer being used to host the videoconferencing session. The VZ-R document cameras provide a videoconferencing solution, even in rooms in which a document camera has already been installed for in-room presentations.


Can I use this device as a webcam?

This device is not designed to be used as a webcam to capture video of in-room participants. However, it does have a microphone and can be used as a microphone source when lecturing. For transmitting video of conversations or lectures in class over videoconference to remote participants, the Meeting Owl Pro device is recommended.


Setting up the VZ-R document camera

  1. Read this QuickStart guide before operating the VZ-R document camera.
  2. Plug the device into an open USB port on an in-room computer. If a podium computer is available, you may have a better experience using this computer.
  3. Power the device on.


Using the VZ-R in Microsoft Teams

The VZ-R must be used with companion software IPEVO Visualizer when used in Microsoft Teams. You can not use the VZ-R as your selected camera, for text, in Microsoft Teams.

  1. Launch the IPEVO Visualizer software on a classroom Mac or PC.
  2. Your software will detect the VZ-R as the input device for that software and should display the camera.
  3. Start your Teams Meeting.

Within a Teams Meeting, click Share from the bottom tool bar within your Meeting. Under Window, select the Ipevo Visualizer. Avoid sharing your Desktop if possible.


Using the VZ-R in Zoom

  1. Start your Zoom Meeting.
  1. Click Share Screen at the bottom of your screen.

  1. Click the Advanced tab.
  2. Click Content from 2nd Camera.



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